What are the Different Types of Dentures?
Chances are when you hear the word “dentures,” a singular image comes to mind: fake, glueable teeth that have a tendency to fall out at inopportune moments.
Chances are when you hear the word “dentures,” a singular image comes to mind: fake, glueable teeth that have a tendency to fall out at inopportune moments.
Chances are when you hear the word “dentures,” a singular image comes to mind: fake, glueable teeth that have a tendency to fall out at the most inopportune moments. It’s a sad but true fact: most people have a limited understanding of the different forms dentures can take.
Looking back, the entertainment world definitely had a hand in shaping how poorly the world views dentures. There are more than a few cartoons and movies that crack stereotyping jokes about dentures and their wearers. We’ve decided that, with all of the denture options available on the market today, public opinion must change. Everyone needs to know a little more about the truth behind dentures.
Technically speaking, dentures are man-made replacements for missing teeth. Most dentures (minus screw-retained dentures) are easy for the wearer to remove and clean. Dentures come in two sizes: full or partial. Full dentures replace all of the teeth inside your mouth while the aptly named partial replace only a few.
In modern American culture, the word “dentures” has a negative connotation. Fortunately, with the technology of the twenty-first century, that can change. Although most people think of dentures as one particular thing (upper and lower sets of fake, gluable teeth), the term “dentures” can actually refer to a few different options — some more permanent than others.
The two types that we’ll be focusing on radically defy the typical definition of dentures. Hopefully, by the end of this article, implant supported dentures and screw-retained dentures will have you rethinking the way you view dentures.
What makes implant supported dentures and screw-retained dentures so unique? Their uniqueness is right in their names: implants. Unlike traditional dentures, implant supported dentures and screw-retained dentures use dental implants to help hold the denture in place. This keeps the denture from sliding around while you’re eating or talking.
So the next question you probably have is “what are dental implants?” Unless you’ve done your research (or have them yourself) most people don’t know much about dental implants — even though they’re one of the most popular dental procedures available. As the name suggests, dental implants are artificial substitutions that mimic the root structure of teeth. A dentist places the actual implant in the jawbone where it eventually bonds with the bone. This creates a strong foundation for the white, tooth-like crown. Because of the abutment that sits between the crown and the dental implant, your dentist can remove the crown if need be. However, in most cases, implants last a lifetime. They require little maintenance beyond brushing, flossing, and regular visits to the dentist.
Implant supported dentures represent where the world of dentures and dental implants meet. Dental professionals call implant supported dentures “overdentures” because they sit over two to four implants that help keep the overdenture in place. The implant supported dentures easily snap onto the implants, giving the wearer the ability to take them off when they need to (for sleep, cleaning, etc.).
Typically, our doctors recommend placing implant supported dentures on the lower jaw as traditional dentures struggle to remain stable in that area. The implant supported dentures procedure is safe and fairly quick, requiring only a few trips to the Stanley Dentistry office to complete. Implant supported denture wearers should visit the dentist every six months to check and replace any worn our parts.
This kind of overdenture is perfect for those who already have traditional dentures but are tired of the constant slipping. Although implant supported dentures still require the cleaning and maintenance that comes with traditional dentures, the stress of eating or talking in public is gone. The only thing people will notice post-procedure is how beautiful your new smile is!
If you’re interested in getting implant supported dentures at Stanley Dentistry, click here.
Decades ago, the idea of dentures being permanent (as in the wearer cannot remove them) would’ve been laughable. And yet here we are, in the twenty-first century, with screw-retained dentures. This unique type of full-mouth dental solution gives traditional denture wearers a more permanent option. Like the implant supported dentures, screw-retained dentures use implants to help support the denture and keep it in place.
However, unlike implant supported dentures, this kind of overdenture utilizes more implants and doesn’t have snaps in between the denture and the implant. The denture stays firmly fastened to the implants unless a dentist needs to remove the denture for cleaning. This makes for an exceptionally strong hold and less annoyance for the wearer since they don’t have to remember to take out their dentures before sleeping. They also don’t have to worry about cleaning their dentures since their dentist will remove them, clean them, and put them back a few times a year.
Screw-retained dentures are perfect for those who are tired of dealing with the hassle of wearing traditional dentures. Many doctors don’t even call them screw-retained dentures because they’re so different from traditional dentures. Frequently, doctors refer to this procedure as simply “full mouth implants.”
For some, implant supported dentures will be hassle-free enough. For others, the idea of rarely having to think about their dentures will sound more appealing. Although more expensive, screw-retained dentures will give you the natural-feeling, care-free smile that no other denture solution can give.
Click to learn more about screw-retained dentures.
It’s clear that, thanks to dental implants, dentures don’t live up to their stereotypes. If you’re starting to reconsider getting dentures now that you have a better idea of your options, schedule a free consultation! The decision to call may just change your life.