Are Tooth Extractions Painful?
Is having a tooth pulled painful? We’ve got your answers.
Is having a tooth pulled painful? We’ve got your answers.
“Extraction” isn’t a very comforting word, especially when it has “tooth” in front of it. If upon hearing it, images of oversized pliers and manic dentists come to mind, you aren’t alone. Most of our patients get a little antsy when a tooth extraction is placed on their treatment plan, even if it means the extraction will eradicate that pesky pain they’ve been living with. When you’re past ten, losing teeth comes with a few warranted anxieties.
However, worrying about why you need a tooth extraction is more warranted than worrying about the extraction itself. Our doctors do a lot of extractions which means they’re really, really good at them. After the extraction, our patients are always surprised by how fast and easy it was. They come in expecting a long, drawn-out procedure and instead get a quick thirty-minute appointment with Dr. Rob. They leave the office with one-tooth less and some Tylenol.
So, how does a dentist go about extracting a tooth? First, a doctor has to determine that the tooth needs to go. At Stanley Dentistry, we would rather extract a tooth then allow a patient to live in pain for years. A lot of offices will give patients numerous crowns and root canals in a sad attempt to try and save the tooth. If your tooth is dead (as in the tooth is no longer receiving a fresh supply of blood) there is pretty much nothing that will save it. At that point, the patient is typically in a lot of pain and they’re ready to bid the offensive tooth goodbye. If they’re more apprehensive, Dr. Rob goes over the pros of dental implants (which are usually the next step for tooth extraction patients).
Once the doctor has decided that extraction is the best option, they’ll sit you down in a normal dental chair and prepare the anesthetic. To keep the procedure as pain-free as possible, the doctor will put a numbing gel on your gums before giving you some local anesthesia. You may feel a little pinch from the shot. Within a few minutes, the anesthesia will take effect. Once it does, the doctor can use a small instrument to gently and swiftly remove the tooth.
Post-procedure, most patients report only a little pain. Tylenol and Advil can typically alleviate any discomfort.
Do you have a tooth that’s sensitive to hot and cold? Are you struggling to chew on one side of your mouth because of a particular tooth? It may be time to schedule a free consultation at Stanley Dentistry to see if you need a tooth extraction. If you do, don’t worry — the procedure itself will be easier than a filling!